What about the immune system?

Viruses are everywhere. There are an estimated 380 trillion viruses inhabiting our bodies (here's a very interesting article about the human virome). There is much talk about treating viral diseases, but generally in the mainstream media there is very little information on our own innate resources. Here is some information on how you can protect yourself. There are two aspects to not contracting symptoms of a virus. On the one hand it's about minimising exposure, but just as importantly, on the other hand it's about optimising our immune system. So how do you do that? IMMUNE SYSTEM 101 1) Get [...]

Insulin Resistance and Acne: Unravelling the Connection

"It's not just about looking good; it's about feeling good and being confident in my own skin. But acne messes with my head, and it's a constant struggle. Some days, I try to own it and embrace my imperfections, but other days, it's hard not to let it affect how I feel about myself. I just want people to see past the acne and see the real me, but I can't even do that myself sometimes. It's like a delicate balance between accepting myself and wanting to be seen for who I truly am." The mirror reflects more than just [...]

By |2023-08-10T18:20:37+01:00August 10, 2023|Uncategorized|0 Comments


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